For job candidates

We bring people together

Our clients include well-known transport and logistics companies, as well as leading companies in trade and industry. Our task is to find suitable candidates for challenging positions on behalf of our clients.

As a first step in our personal career development strategy we will invite you to an interview. We offer broad and professional advice and help you to optimise your potential. After extensive talks we will propose suitable positions for you in line with your career goals.

Your personal documents are treated confidentially and kept in a safe place.

We do not arrange interviews with our clients without your express written consent. Naturally, applicants do not pay any agency fees.

The interview with us is entirely without obligation, completely confidential and never boring! It could be an important step in your future career.

In logment you have a strong partner at your side.

Your career is important to us – certainly to you too!


We bring people together

A successful application consists of a complete set of documents, including an up-to-date CV that meets the latest standards together with educational and training certificates and employers’ references. Any proof of further training will put the final touches to a positive application. Potential employers also expect accurate information about periods of notice and financial framework conditions.

During the recruitment process, companies have increasingly taken to looking for background information on applicants in the Internet. It is therefore very important that there are no negative postings about you in the social media. Party photos, for example, should be avoided at all costs.

During the application process, a convincing candidate is one that communicates reliably, has a professional appearance, clear ideas about the next career move and shows a committed interest in the company. This means, for example, that the applicant should come to the interview in appropriate business clothing, behave in a professional yet authentic manner and give concrete feedback promptly.

Final talks should only be aimed for if the applicant seriously wants to change jobs and his or her salary expectations are in line with the market.

If, in the best case scenario, contracts are signed, the new employee is expected to start work on the agreed date. Termination of contract before commencing work is not desired.

Commitment and self-initiative are of paramount importance in order to be successful in the new working environment. It is also essential to build up an internal network in the new company quickly and to give the new manager feedback after a short period as to whether things are developing as discussed.

Only who knows what he wants can get it!