We value sustainability

Thanks to our many and diversified contacts, we can offer an extensive range of solutions for all your questions and issues in connection with logistics properties and site development. Whether you’re looking for short-term lets for specific projects or an investment in a new site – we can help you to realise your plans.

logment cooperates with well-known estate agents, investors and owners, opening up a wide range of possibilities for putting your strategies into practice, tailor-made to your specifications. We are hands-on practitioners who can really assess your needs.

With our wide-ranging network, we have already developed many individual solutions for logistics properties in key locations.

We also offer support with acquisition processes geared towards strategic development. This may follow different aims such as setting up in a new business field, developing a new region or expanding the product portfolio with an industry-specific solution. Our holistic approach sets us apart from our competitors.

We create synergies and contribute to the success of your company.

Logistik Immobilien